To provide the highest level of distance learning for professional chaplains. Courses are created by leaders in the field with the goal that all chaplains, no matter their travel budget or where they reside, can participate in ongoing, state-of-the-art professional training with their colleagues.

Chaplain Stephen Roberts, BCC, MBA

Chaplain Stephen Roberts is the editor of Professional Spiritual and Pastoral Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain's Handbook, the first comprehensive resource for spiritual and pastoral care. He is co-editor of Disaster Spiritual Care: Practical Clergy Responses to Community, Regional and National Tragedy - 2nd Edition (Both SkyLight Paths Publishing


Chaplain Roberts is a longtime leader in the field of professional chaplaincy.  He is a past president of the NAJC and was instrumental in helping create the joint chaplaincy national standards.

His current focus as a chaplain is creating an education infrastructure to help professional chaplains excel as they learn new professional skills and concepts.


Our Mission Since 2012

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